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Downtown Eastside Detached Single Family Homes For Sale

Downtown Eastside is one of the oldest but also the poorest neighbourhoods in Vancouver. It’s also known as DTES and Skid Row for its complex set of social issues like homelessness, drug use, poverty, crime, mental illness and sex work. However, that wasn’t always the case. At the beginning of the 20th century, Downtown Eastside was the political, cultural and retail center of Vancouver. But as the city center started shifting westwards, the area began to lose its original shine and turned into Vancouver’s gray area. 

Regardless of the neighbourhood’s outlook, many residents are proud members of the community and work towards preserving the remnants of the old DTES. There are also enormous Government efforts put into the revitalization of the area and solving the social issues the community is facing. As a result of the poverty and social issues, housing in Downtown Eastside is relatively old and not well-maintained, so most single-family homes you will find will require renovation and updating. However, because of the housing condition and their surroundings, the single-family homes in Downtown Eastside are very cheap compared to the rest of Vancouver. You can find residential units for half, sometimes even a third of the price they would sell for in some other, more highly ranked neighbourhoods. 

Get FREE Expert Advice On Single Family Homes in Downtown Eastside, Vancouver, BC. Call or Contact Ron Parpara Today.